Political Science Thesis
The Policing of the ‘Reserve Army’: Economic Inequality and Police Killings
- Political Science Best Honors Thesis Prize
Sociology Thesis
Construction Union Agreements: Union Organizing in Historical-Comparative Perspective
- Sociology Best Honors Thesis: Lisa Mederos Memorial Prize
StatCrunch Statistics Contest
StatCrunch Competition: Twitch Dataset
- 1st place prize
Minimum Wage Differences in Differences Project
Impact of Minimum Wage Increases on Unemployment: A Case Study of Limited Service restaurants along the border of Missouri and Kansas
- Final project for Political Science 170A - Studies in Statistical Analysis of Political Data (Fall 2023)
Constitutional Law Project
Climate Change and Eminent Domain: Using the Takings Clause to Avert a Climate Crisis
- Accepted for presentation at the Bay Honors Research Symposium